Shop and Field Services
Repair and Testing Services
- Profiler Valve Diagnostics
- Quarter turn
- Control Valves
- Safety Valves & Safety Relief Valves
- Electronic Valve Testing (Accutest)
- Coker Valves/ Wedge Plugs
- Line or Block Valves
- Sight Glass
- Electric and Pneumatic Actuator Repair
- Chlorine and 02 Cleaning
Mobile Repair Services
- Field Service Testing Capability with National Board Qualified (VR) Equipment
- Torquing Equipment
- Field Valve Automation
- Line Valve Tooling, In-Line Machines & Greasing Equipment
- Field\Retro-fitting Valves and Actuators
- Field Repacks (Chesterton Authorized Installer)
Control Valves
- General/ Severe Service
- Post Guided
- Cage Guided
- Rotary
- Lined
- Sleeved
- Lined
- Double Block & Bleed
- Wedge
- Resilient Seated
- TFE Lined
- High Performance
- Triple Offset
Pressure Relieving
- Blanketing
- Manway
- Pilot Operated
- Pressure/ Vacuum
- Rupture Disc
- Tank Vents
- Relief Valves
Ball Valves
- Floating
- Trunnion
- Severe Service
- Hi Alloy
- Lined
- Segmented
- Control (Fisher, Masoneilan, Valtek)

- Limit Switches
- Solonieds
- Airsets
- Gauges
Steam Equipment
- Steam Traps
- Strainers
- Manifolds
- Regulators
- Steam Isolation Valve
Filtration Products and Services
- Liquid Filtration and Purification
- Air and Gas
- Process & Water
- Thermal & Coolant
- Replacement
- Rental
- Electric Actuators
- Pnuematic Actuators
- Hydraulic Actuators
- Linear and Rotary Actuators
- Automation Accessories